Sunday, March 18, 2012

Travel Tip #2

Always make sure you are on the correct half of the train. Though the sign says where you want to go don't be fooled! That only means at least one car has to go there. The other half could just as well go to the Ikea in Bagdad. And let's be honest, no one wants to go there.

Luckily, I used my firm grasp of the German language to ask the train conductor... if he spoke English. He then informed me in perfect Queens English that only the front half of the train was going our way.

Good thing I asked. No sooner had we sat down than the train pulled out of the station. Only in retrospect did we realize how close we were to Günzburg-ing all over the place (see also: 2009 debacle of missing friend's wedding).

1 comment:

  1. A New Yawker will never let you down...even a transplanted one!
